Your present to Uptasia – New User Event
|Create a great birthday cake or a fantastically wrapped birthday present for Uptasia and we’ll integrate it in some of the hidden object games!

Let’s bake a virtual cake for Uptasia: our hidden object game is celebrating its seventh anniversary soon and Bianca the cat would love to have a birthday surprise from you. So get your color pens and paper out to design a creamy, layered pastry dream or a colorful wrapped present!
The Uptasians and their friends will vote on the best ideas. The entries with the most votes will be digitized and integrated in three of our hidden object games. For about four weeks all Uptasia players will search for these objects when solving these picture puzzles.
How can I participate?
Draw or paint a cake or a wrapped present and scan in your work or take a picture of it with your smartphone. Send us the picture via private message to our Uptasia Facebook page. If you don’t want to draw or paint you can also craft your idea with modeling clay or any other material. How about a picture of a real birthday cake that you baked for this occasion? No borders are set to your fantasies!
We – the editors – will choose the best ideas from all submissions together with the support team of Uptasia. We will put them to the vote on April 21st 2021 using our Uptasia Facebook page, our forum and our Discord channel.
Be sure to hand in your idea for a new hidden object until Tuesday, April 20th 2021 (12am CEST).
Please note: you may only submit one idea for this contest and the entry has to be your intellectual property. Pictures that were downloaded from the internet will not be submitted to the vote. The same applies to inappropriate or offensive content.
We kindly ask you to read all of our conditions for participation in this article: Terms & Conditions
Do you have further questions? Write them in the comments below. We will publish and answer your comments as soon as possible.
Key Data of the Uptasia User Contest
Submission Period:
- Monday April 12 (12pm CEST) to Tuesday April 20 (12pm CEST)
Voting Period:
- Wednesday April 21 (12pm CEST) to Monday April 25 (12pm CEST)
Announcement of Winners:
- Tuesday April 26 (12pm CEST)
Winning Entries in Uptasia:
- May 12 to June 16 in the Bakery, the Family Seat and the Golden Palace