My Free Zoo: Reintroduction Rally
|Welcome to the reintroduction rally in My Free Zoo!
The reintroduction rally is a team competition for which you and your fellow players will be put in teams of 5.
In these teams, your goal is to provide and care for animals for releasing into the wild. That is, you donate animals, regularly meet their needs, and receive reintroduction points (RP) in return. When you reach 100,000 RP, the animal changes. The rally ends after 5 days and the team with the most RP wins.

By playing, you will receive tickets that you can use to upgrade your villa. This then gives you regular rally coins that you can trade for exclusive rewards.
If you are not currently participating in an ongoing reintroduction rally, you can register for a new one here. You can also see when the next rally starts (box 1). You can choose between three different difficulty levels. Each of them gives you different amounts of tickets for the expansion of your villa (see: Reward Shop).

If you change your mind after registering, you can cancel your registration at any time up to the start of the rally.
For your very first rally we recommend the beginner level!
Reintroduction Rally: Info-Tab
The rally window appears in the same tab where you sign up for an active rally. In it you can always see how many reintroduction points your team has at the moment and how many you are missing to complete the section (box 1). There is also a “Refresh” button (box 2).
Section A:
Here you can chat with your four team members. If you have written a message, your teammates can also see your name banner (see: Banner).

Section B:
Here you can see an overview of the current contest section. You have the possibility to release animals and you also get an overview of your team’s amount of active power-ups (see: Power-Ups-Tab).
You can also see your team and the teams right in front and behind your team. You can also view the RP to know how much your team is missing to reach the next rank.
Reintroduction Rally: Animal-Tab
The rally windows are displayed in the same tab where you sign up for an active rally. In there you can always see how many RP your team has at the moment and how many you are missing to complete the section (box 1). There is also a “Refresh” button (box 2).
In the animal tab you can find an overview of all animals of your team. There is also a possibility to donate animals here (box 6).
Animals give your team RP in three different ways. When you donate the animal you are looking for, your team gets RP once for donating the animal you are looking for. After a cooldown expires, the animal can be taken care of. This will give your team RP. Alternatively, if your team does not have enough of the demanded animal, you can donate snow bunnies. These do not give RP when donated, and also give less RP than the wanted animal when cared for. However, they are a good way to fill open donation slots until a greater number of the wanted animal is available. Snow bunnies can be “overwritten” if there are no more slots available, but someone donates the demanded animal.

If all donation slots are already taken, you can still donate animals. These don’t add any RP to your team, but can help you make progress on your challenges for gaining new banners.
Section A:
Here you can see an overview of your team’s animals and collect them to generate RP for your team. Each animal can be in one of three different stages.
An animal can be ready to be collected to give your team RP for the competition (box 3).
An animal may have already been collected by an allied player. In this case, you can collect it again to make progress in the challenges for gaining new banners (box 4).
An animal may already be completely collected. In this case you have to wait until the timer below the animal has expired (box 5).
Reintroduction Rally: Power-Ups-Tab
The rally windows appear in the same tab where you sign up for an active rally. In there you can always see how many release points your team currently owns and how many you are still missing to complete the section (box 1). There is also a “Refresh” button (box 2).

Here you find a detailed overview of your team’s power-ups and can unlock new power-ups. It is important to note that power-ups only remain active for one competition. They are added together, which means that if you unlock the first and second level of a power-up, you will get both values added up. Power-ups can be unlocked with diamonds or contest thalers.
Section A:
These power-ups increase the RP your team receives for collecting an animal.
Section B:
These power-ups shorten the waiting time between collecting animals.
Section C:
These power-ups increase the one-time RP your team receives when donating animals.
Reintroduction Rally: Statistics-Tab
The rally windows appear in the same tab where you sign up for an active rally. In them you can always see how many release points your team has at the moment and how many you are missing to complete the section (box 1). There is also a “Refresh” button (box 2).

In this tab you will find an automatically generated overview of the activities of your team members. You can also see the animals searched for in each section. Keep in mind that you can only see the sections that a team has already reached.
In this tab you can see your current progress.
Section A:
In this section you can see your progress in upgrading the villa, the amount of money you have left until the next upgrade level and the rewards for upgrading. You can also see how many contest coins the villa currents provides for you (box 1). The number after the plus indicates the increase of the rally currency through the expansion of the villa (see: Reward Shop).

Section B:
Here you can see the number of rallies with podium rankings in the different difficulty levels (beginner to expert from left to right) as well as divided by ranking (first to third rank from top to bottom).
Section C:
Here you’ll find general statistics for all of your completed reintroduction rallies so far. Symbols 1 to 3 (from left to right) represent the three difficulties (beginner to expert), while the fourth symbol represents all difficulties combined.
Top List
The top list allows you to compare the achievements of all players on your server. You can switch between a server top list, a guild top list, and a friends top list (box 1).

The top list shows the current player rankings, their name banner and their points. The number of points you get from a rally is calculated from:
– Donated animals
– Animals cared for
– Points of your team
– Played difficulty
Here, of course, your own performance is of greater importance than the overall performance of your team.
Reward Shop
By participating in a rally you’ll get “tickets” and have a chance to win diamonds. Members of the winning team get the most tickets and the diamonds. The better your team’s ranking, the more tickets you’ll get. However, you always get at least one ticket.
Team-Ranking | Beginner | Advanced | Expert |
1 | 100 ![]() ![]() | 100 ![]() ![]() | 100 ![]() ![]() |
2 | 85 ![]() | 85 ![]() | 85 ![]() |
3 | 70 ![]() | 70 ![]() | 70 ![]() |
4 | 50 ![]() | 50 ![]() | 50 ![]() |
5 | 40 ![]() | 40 ![]() | 40 ![]() |
6 | 39 ![]() | 39 ![]() | 39 ![]() |
7 | 38 ![]() | 38 ![]() | 38 ![]() |
… | … | … | … |
43 | 2 ![]() | 2 ![]() | 2 ![]() |
Remaining | 1 ![]() | 1 ![]() | 1 ![]() |
Tickets will automatically upgrade your mansion. There are three types of tickets:

Beginner level: Tickets for the expansion from level 0 to level 9
Advanced level: Tickets for the expansion from level 0 to level 17
Expert level: Tickets for the expansion from level 0 to level 25
If you participate in rallies and can no longer use the tickets to upgrade your villa, they will be converted into Zoo Dollars.

Upgrade the villa to level 1: You’ll get rally coins every seven days by collecting a pin above the villa. With these you can buy exclusive rewards in the reward shop. (see: Statistics-Tab)
The reward shop will show how much rally currency you have (box 1).
Section A:
Here you can see all the rewards that are available for purchase. For some rewards you have to upgrade your villa to a higher level first (box 2).
Here you can change your name banner. You unlock new banners and colors over time. There are challenges for them, which you can see by hovering over the banner or the color. To unlock the medals, you have to reach the respective podium position in the corresponding difficulty level.

jak se mám registrovat kliknu na registraci a napíše mě to odejít a nic jiného to nedělá
mockrát děkujeme za tvou zprávu. Prosíme tě ohlásit se přímo na podpoře. Zde ti můžeme rychle a efektivně pomoct. Podporu najdeš zde:
Mockrát díky.
Opět zajímavé zpestření
jsem ráda za zpestření hry
nevím, co bych k tomu dodala, ale těším se na hru
this rally is so so expensive and really to what purpose is it ????
Jak je možné, že po dobu trvání soutěže jsme byli první, i poslední zvíře jsme zadali jako první a ve finále skončili druzí???
buona sera sono nuova ditemi come funziona grazie
Podle zprávy po skončení soutěže jsme teď byli na 1. místě a dostali jsme medaili. Proč ani po opakovaném načtení hry nevidím, že bych měla zlatou medaili za vítězství? Nebo jsme zlatou nedostali?
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