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Easter gaming fun 2025: traditions, ideas, and colorful eggs


Easter traditions such as willow catkins and colorful Easter eggs are not the only popular Easter traditions - there are also many Easter events on cell phones and PCs.
upjers, catkin, and colorful Easter eggs

Easter gaming fun with upjers browser games and apps as well as ideas for creative and fun Easter activities for young and old. Painting eggs, hiding them, and letting your dear ones enjoy exciting Easter egg hunts! A home made breakfast with traditional hot cross buns and afterwards watching an Easter parade or taking a relaxing stroll!

When do the Easter festivities take place this year? 📅

Easter 2025 is on Sunday, April 20. The date of Easter varies every year, as that date is based on the first full moon in spring. Good Friday will therefore be celebrated on April 18, and Easter Monday on April 21.

Where does the Easter Bunny stem from & why eggs for Easter?

The Easter bunny has its origins in ancient fertility rites. It later became a symbol of Easter in most countries, because it “brings” and hides eggs.
In the past, it was forbidden to eat eggs during spring. To avoid having to throw them away, they were boiled to make them last longer. Eggs are also easy to paint, which became a popular und joyful Easter tradition. So don’t forget to paint your eggs this year!

Easter events at upjers: colorful fun with rabbits and eggs!

When do our Easter events take place?

Traditionally, our Easter-themed collecting and decorating events start one to two weeks before Easter. The times for our Easter gaming fun vary from game to game. However, there are also Easter calendars in some of our free browser and app games. This year’s highlight is the Easter portal calendar 2025 from upjers!
Open a door every day and get a free Easter code for an upjers game. You will also receive a collector’s item and – if you haven’t missed a door – an extra gift at the end.
Click here for our eggcellent upjers Easter portal calendar!
upjers advice: It’s best to bookmark this page in your browser, then you’ll be sure to check out our Easter gaming fun daily!

Bunnies, chicks and Easter eggs are a must-have for every Easter game!
Cuteness overload

upjers Easter gaming fun events for browser and apps!

Our zoo games are already eagerly awaiting Easter, as there are rabbits in each of the animal games. Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo can also add to the exotic factor with prehistoric dinosaur eggs. Look forward to Easter events in the following games. Just click on a game name to be forwarded to that game without delay:
Zoo 2: Animal Park
Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo
My Free Zoo

upjers’ free browser and app farm games, on the other hand, are good egg suppliers for the Easter bunny. That’s why most of them take part in our Easter gaming fun with egg celebration. Let the following farm games surprise you with Easter presents! Please click on a game name for direct access:
My Little Farmies
My Free Farm
My Free Farm 2

Soon we will be able to announce more details about those events, the wonderful rewards, as well as start and end time. Check back regularly here on the Easter games blog to see which game we can already provide more information about.

Ideas on Easter gaming fun besides our games?

Easter gaming fun for children 👧👦

These games are ideal for the little ones to have lots of fun:
Egg race: Using a spoon, an egg has to be balanced to the finish line.
Easter egg race: Who can find the most eggs in the garden?
Bunny hop: A fun race in the style of a sack race.

Easter gaming fun for senior citizens 👵🧓

There are also great games for older people for the spring festival:
Easter quiz: Questions about Easter stimulate the memory.
Egg toughing: Feel which egg is cooked and which is raw.
Bingo with Easter motifs: A relaxed, sociable game.

Easter fun if you are by yourself 👧

Easter festivities can also be actively enjoyed by yourself:
Homemade Easter breakfast with fresh rolls and colorful eggs.
A walk in the countryside to welcome spring.
Digital gatherings with family or friends via video call.
Creative Easter crafts designing a special Easter decoration.

Making Easter decorations together as a family is a wonderful tradition.
Creative time with family and friends

Creative Easter gaming fun ideas for your ideal festivities 🐣🎲

Easter 2025 is just around the corner – time for colorful eggs, cheerful games and cozy gatherings with family and friends! Whether you’re looking for creative Easter games, traditions, or tips for the best Easter events in our online games, in this article you’ll find everything you need to enjoy Easter to the full. Even if you’re alone during the Easter season.

Easter is also time for games. Between coloring eggs and feasting, you can read all about great game recommendations in our Easter games blog.

Easter traditions in English speaking areas, enjoy trying🐰

United Kingdom

Easter egg hunts like in many other countries! Children are told that the eggs are delivered by the Easter Bunny, this story originally stems from German folk stories. This rabbit lays eggs and delivers them to all good children during the Easter period. Easter Egg hunts often take place on Easter morning. Adults hide small Easter eggs in the garden, house, or village and their children must follow clues to find them. Normally, there are enough Easter eggs for all the children to enjoy.

Hot cross buns are toasted raisin filled buns, lathered in butter. You can enjoy them with a cup of tea. Such crosses symbolize the Christian belief that Jesus died on the cross for their sins.

Morris dancing: Men dressed in white, with bells on their trousers, and a stick or handkerchief in hand perform traditional Morris dances. These often takes place during Easter parades or village fairs. It’s a type of English folk dancing, and quite a strange thing to watch. Such dance troupes are traditionally all-male, but there are now also female groups.

United States of America

Easter egg hunts and the creation and gifting of Easter baskets have to be mentioned of course!

Easter parades are celebrations which take place in many cities in the USA. They are composed of floats decorated with Easter themes, music acts, and the participation of people dressed as rabbits or other animals. A truly magnificent experience during the Easter season!


Easter egg hunts and hot cross buns are also very popular in down under!
However, bad news for our traditional Easter bunny. In Australia it is replaced by the Easter Bilby! You wonder why? Rabbits are a threat to Australia’s environment, because they don’t have any natural enemies there and can spread quickly and widely. They destroy pasture, crops, and plant communities which impact agriculture and the environment. Therefore the slogan “Bilbies not Bunnies”, is a reminder that rabbits must be removed so the original inhabitants of Australia can survive. Bilbies want their burrows, food, and companions back.



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