Kapi Hospital Tower 2: What’s New?
|We included several new features into the upjers app Kapi Hospital Tower 2 and therefore we decided to completely relaunch the mobile game.
Floor Deco with Useful Buffs

One example is the new hallway deco. You have surely noticed that your virtual hospital in Kapi Hospital Tower 2 only has one treatment room on each floor. This automatically puts a greater focus on the hallway area.
Thus you have more space for deco items and other things. They do not only look totally stylish, but also provide you with advantages for your daily hospital routine. Depending on which floor you put your hallway deco, their effect will be accordingly.

In front of treatment rooms:
- Chance that the doctor won’t get tired on that floor
- More revenues via the patients treated there
- Faster treatments on that floor
In front of break rooms:
- After the break has ended you have a chance of receiving a book for doctor training
In front of waiting rooms:
- Chance of a higher level disease color regarding patient allocation to a room
In front for pharmacies:
- Faster production
In front of diagnostics rooms:
- Chance of double color increase regarding patient pins
To increase the buff of your hallway deco, you can upvalue it by using coins. Deco also has a global effect that applies for your whole hospital. This effect can be upvalued by using elixirs. The following are the global effects of your hallway deco:
- Reduced training period
- Chance of a better disease color in the lobby
- Patients provide more money
Friend Feature in Kapi Hospital Tower 2

Befriended players help you even more with treating your patients. Due to the friend feature you can earn friend hearts for certain tasks. You can add friends and one day later you can visit them in their hospitals. There you search for five heart pins and click on them.
They provide you with a certain number of friend hearts – depending on the player’s level. Also the friend visited by you receives friend hearts due to your visit.

Friend hearts are a great additional source of income for your virtual hospital, because by using them you can purchase hallway decorations as well as 3-star-medicines, which immediately terminate the patient treatment.
The medicine and deco offer changes daily. You can purchase medicine as often as you want to, but you can only purchase hallway deco once per day. After you have purchased it, you won’t be able to buy another deco item for hearts until the next day.
Research Feature and Emergency Operations

The research feature as well as the emergency operations are new features in Kapi Hospital Tower 2. By using research a new disease can be researched and afterwards further studied – each further research increases the reward for the treatment of such patients.
The emergency operations contain even three new game features: The ambulance, the helicopter, and the alien patients. The latter is an homage to the browser game KapiHospital, which has been invaded by aliens on a regular basis.
We will explain these new features of Kapi Hospital Tower 2 in a separate entry here in the upjers blog. Stay tuned!

Get the game for iOS: Download Link

Get the game for Android: Download Link