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Become a Vet in My Free Farm


A MFF_520_520_Tierarztsheep with a horrible hacking cough, a horse with a limp, two cows plagued by itchy skin… lately a lot of sick animals have shown up on your farm, dragging themselves across the fields with ill-boding wheezes. They’ve heard that someone with great medicinal knowledge resides on your farm, and has amazing herbal tinctures custom-made to heal just about any ailment.

If becoming a veterinarian has been your life-long ambition, you’re bound to be thrilled by the amazing new feature in My Free Farm: the Veterinary Clinic!
The clinic can be unlocked at your Farmer’s Market at level 36 for 1,000,000 Potato Dollars. Once purchased, you can set up shop and begin treating animals. Choose your clinic hours to set a difficulty level and treat a certain number of animals with a wide range of diseases. The treatments – herbal tinctures – can be brewed right in your very own lab.

The more tinctures you produce and patients you heal, the more rewards you will earn – bandaids, potato dollars and points – with special bonuses for treating all the patients in your allotted clinic hours. Bandaids will allow you to increase your Vet Level, unlocking up to 24 new crops for your fields, which in turn can be mixed into even more tinctures!

Come check it out now! The ailing animals are waiting!



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