How is Germany faring when it come to the digitalization efforts of middle-sized businesses? That question has been discussed in politics and business circles around the country. Depending
We’re going to Berlin! Our apprentices were thrilled to have been invited to the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT-PREIS (School-Business Prize). Together with chemistry teacher Florian Mai from the Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium in Bamberg,
The European Championship is finally here – and everyone knows that cheering on your team is twice as much fun with good company. Why not sweeten up the
Star Torpia, upjers‘ new space browser game, has been in its closed beta phase for a while now. A lot has happened since the last major update, and preparations
Today, our CEO is celebrating his birthday with the whole upjers team. On this occasion, we surprised him with some delicious cakes. Guess, which upjers games we used
Markus is a 25 year old Computer Science Student at the University of Coburg and completed a 6 month internship at upjers. In this short interview he describes what