Our upjers mascot pretty excited. He just learned that frozen dinosaurs were found in Antarctica! And they can even be brought back to life! News like that can’t
Winter’s still in your bones? You want to enjoy the first sunbeams but can’t motivate yourself?This might have to do with so-called spring fatigue. What is spring fatigue?
On Sunday is already the 2nd Advent. So the Advent season is in full swing and our Advent calendars are partly opened. Also our employees have great calendars
You’ve probably already heard: At the end of the year, Adobe will be discontinuing support for Flash technology. That also has some consequences for upjers games: We will
Get your printable upjers coloring pages It’s not just to keep the youngest busy – coloring pages can be a welcome distractions for adults too. Either to fill
At the beginning of summer upjers invites all employees to the traditional summer party. Together with our partners and children we had a very relaxed and convival late
One of the long standing traditions for the Easter holidays is to hide a basket full of small treats, like chocolate Easter bunnies and such, in the gardens
How is Germany faring when it come to the digitalization efforts of middle-sized businesses? That question has been discussed in politics and business circles around the country. Depending
We’re going to Berlin! Our apprentices were thrilled to have been invited to the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT-PREIS (School-Business Prize). Together with chemistry teacher Florian Mai from the Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium in Bamberg,