Zoo 2: Animal Park – All about the animals and their features!
|Animals are what makes a zoo. A zoo is home to animals we may only know from pictures. Apart from these educational purposes a wildlife conservation zoo can offer refuge to otherwise endangered species.
Zoo 2: Animal Park gives you the chance to playfully experience the different aspects of a zoo director’s daily business.
Enclosures: Food, play and cleanliness
You are starting off with building an enclosure to have a place for your animals.
Now you need to consider the three basic needs: food, a clean enclosure and entertainment.
To meet these needs the easiest way, add feeding troughs, water holes, and play equipment to the enclosures. So your animals are happy for longer and you even get an additional experience bonus for all your efforts.
Upjers insider tip: You can hire help to take care of your zoo while you are away: gardeners, workers and zookeepers can be hired for a period of time and will make their rounds and water flowers, collect trash or care for the animals.
Breeding and Collecting
Once your animals have settled in and feel at home, you can think about breeding to expand your zoo. Young animals are very popular with your visitors and increase your zoo’s attractiveness. (Details on breeding, animal levels and the collector’s album can be found in our blog articles on “Animal Levels” and “Collections”.)
To give your animals a bit of privacy you need a shelter. Once you placed one in the animals’ enclosure, you can select the animal from your Breeding center.
Zoo 2: Animal Park: Releasing and Selling animals
Sometimes a newborn animal cannot be placed into its matching enclosure due to size limitations. In such cases you have a couple of options: you can remove one of the older animals from the enclosure by either picking it up and placing it back into your inventory, you might sell an animal to other zoos and get a number of coins from the game, or you could release the animal into the wild and earn a sum of experience points.
Simple tap – or click – on the animal you want to select. Now you see the animal menu with information on the particular animal and some options. Tap on the second icon from the right (the one looking like an enclosure with an open gate) to sell or release this animal.
The Animal Menu – more information and functions
Once you tapped or clicked on an animal the Animal Menu opens.

In the “speech bubble” you can see the following information
Upper line
- Species
- Sex
- Level
- Visitor Level
Lower line
- How long until next feeding time
- Time until animals needs entertainment
- How long until the enclosure needs cleaning
More features can be reached using the menu icons (from left to right)
- The arrow-button allows you to move and rotate the animal manually
- Tap the shopping cart icon to access the in-game shop. You now only see the available matching items for that particular animal.
- The icon in the middle puts the animal back into your inventory.
- Second from the right you find the “open enclosure” icon, allowing to sell or release the animal.
- Next to that, the button showing the gender symbol can be used to change the animal’s sex.
Upjers insider tip: If you have bred a new animal with a higher level and already have a similar animal set in your enclosure, you can change the animal’s sex and use it for further breeding.
We hope this overview helps you in your efforts to make Zoo 2: Animal Park the perfect home for your animals.
I wish they would add a market place to this game allowing players to card their animals and trade them with other players. it would be a good feature to add to the clubhouse. trading animals is something real zoos do on the regular. it would also allow for trading of puzzle pieces. it would give players something to do and add more interest the way most people check Facebook market place.
How do you pet a weasel?
where can or where do you place water gargoyle fountain, peacock boat etc. won’t let me place them anywhere.
This could be a bug. Could you please contact our support so we can look into this matter: https://support.upjers.com/
you need water terrain using the terrain tool
I can’t sign into my account. When I pushed “forgot my pswd. ) it doesn’t direct me to create a new one.
Hello, please write to our support 🙂